On my 21st birthday my friends abandoned me after 6 beers. They were kind enough to be there at the bar at midnight the night before, but work and weed snuck them back to their beds and Dr. Who DVD's at around 10pm. I made my rounds from one bar to the next, making new friends and smoking cigarettes with the dregs and self-important near do wells that off season beach towns seem to produce. My age made me a novelty.
I knew the bartender from my bussing days at a cafe near the turn-around. She had big boobs and would later have a baby with one of the local knuckleheads; they would get drunk and kiss when her shift was over. "21, huh? Well, let's start you off with the good stuff." Johnnie Walker Red. A man sits next to me, "What, no water back?"
I knew the bartender from my bussing days at a cafe near the turn-around. She had big boobs and would later have a baby with one of the local knuckleheads; they would get drunk and kiss when her shift was over. "21, huh? Well, let's start you off with the good stuff." Johnnie Walker Red. A man sits next to me, "What, no water back?"